Kverneland Group participates in Plugfest 2021

PlugFest 2021 is only a few days away and we are excited to finally attending this event again!

AEF Plugfest is an event for specialists in applied electronics for agriculture. The event is created to allow companies to check the operation of their ISOBUS components with those of other manufacturers. Identifying and solving technical problems and providing customers with reliable and effective products is the aim of the event.

Photo: AEF

Plugfest is normally held twice a year (before the COVID-19 pandemic), however, due to the pandemic the event has been canceled until now as AEF has come up with a new concept: a virtual Plugfest.

A team of test specialists from our Mechatronics department has worked together with AEF to build a setup that can connect with ISOBUS remotely. This makes it possible to connect with competitors over the internet instead of being at the same location.

Kverneland Group Mechatronics will be testing the IsoMatch Tellus PRO as a universal terminal server and task controller server. There will also be tests executed with the new spreader software to test the new user interface layout as well as testing the precision seeder which now also supports MultiRate.

Kverneland Group Mechatronics is excited to be able to attend the event again and can’t wait for the results of the tests!

You can read more about the event here:Virtual Fall Plugfest 2021 - AEF Online (aef-online.org)

17 September 2021
